Thursday, February 27, 2014


1. Do you make art first - does it occupy every moment: before sleep and the first waking vision?
2. Do all the things that you make and do amplify the process of art vision and art making?
3. Are you a balanced person with many interests and diversions?
4. Do you seek the culture of many aspects with tthe middle class aspiration of being well-rounded and informed?
5. How do you spend your time - more talking about art than making it?
6. How muchof the work day or the work week do you devote to your profession - that profession that you have chosen to occupy you and represent you for the rest of your life?
7. Will you be an amateur artist, a professional, or is it the total life?
8. Do you think that the artist has any obligation to any artist other than himself?
9. Do you think that his contemporary position is unique or traditional?
10. Do you think that art can be something that was before?
11. Have you examined the echoes of childhood and first learning which may have once given you the first solution? Are any of these expectations still operating in your choices?
12.  Do you hold with these/Have you recognized them? Contradicted them? Made metaphoric transpositions?
13. Or do the useful ideas which place themselves in your working consciousness often go off unheard?
15. Do you think that you woe your teachers anything? Or Picasso? Or Matisse, Brancusi, Mondrian, Kandinski?
16. Do you think your work to be aggressive? Do you think this to be an attribute? Can it be developed?
17. Do you think that your work should hold with traditions?
17. Do you think that your own time - and the now - to be the greatest time in the history of art? Or do you excuse your own lack of holy motion with the half belief that some other time would have been better for you to make art?
19. Do yu recognize any points of attainment? Do they change? I there a final goal?
20. In the secret dreams of attainment, have you faced each dream for its value on your own basis or do you harbor inhereted aspiration fof the bourgeoisie or those of false history or those of critics?
21.  Why do you hesitate when you cannot draw objects as freely as you can write their names or speak words about them?
22. What has caused this mental block? If you can name dreams, recall visions, why can't you draw them?Is the conscious art of drawing that which is acting in your unconscious?
23. In the conceptural direction are you aiming for the successful work (and to define success, I mean the culminating point of any efforts?
24. Do you aim for a style with a direct recognizable visual vocabulary?
25. Do you add ingratiating elements beynd the raw aesthetic?
26. Do you polish up the work beyond its bare aesthetic elements?
27. If you add ingratiatin elements, where is the line which keeps the work from being your own?
28. Are you afraid of rawness (for the rawness and harshness are a part of our basic nature - especially U.S. nature - and origins are both as raw and vulgar as our primal creation)?
29. Will you understand and accept yourself as the subject for creative work or will your efforts grow towards adopting your expression to verbal philosophies by "now" artists? If you could, would you throw over the present values of harmony and tradition?
30.Do you trust your first response, or do you go back and equivocate consciously? Do you believe that the freshness of the first response can be developed and sustained as a working habit?
31. Are you saddled with nature propaganda?
32. Are you afraid to exercise vigor, seek surprise?
33. When you accept the identification of artist, do you acknowledge that you are issuing a world challenge in your own time?
34. Are you afraid to work from your own experience without leaning on the crutches of subject and rationale?
35. Do you think that you are unworthy or that  your life has not been dramatic enough - or your understanding not classic enough, that art comes from Mt. Parnassus, France, or an elite level beyond you?
36. Do you assert yourself or work in sizes comparable to your physical size or to your aesthetc challenge or own imagination?






Create a presentation of visual objects, patterns, art and non-art elements, historical ephemera, etc. that you relate to.  In your sketchbook, make an outline of lists of things that come to mind.  Make notes on what they mean to you and why.  Use your sketchbook as a  receptiacle to keep a visual catalogue.  Take jpegs of your findings and collection for us to see.  You can also cull images from the internet or your personal history.

Please bring your images on a flash drive (do not give the presentation from the internet).  The presentation should be no more than 10 minutes.  Do several practice runs before you come to class so that you know you can go through your talk and images in 10 minutes!